Exposure room
• Temperature. Range: from 15° C to 30° C. One °C steps.
• Relative Humidity. Range: from 5% to 80%. One % steps.
• Air flow. Range: 0.05 m/s – 3.00 m/s.
• Illuminance. Range: from 50 to 1000 lux. One lux steps.
• Pressure. Range: from 940 mbar (750 m above sea level) to 450 mbar (6500 m above sea level). Ability to reach 750 mbar (pressure inside a conventional airplane cabin). One mbar steps.
Evaluation room
• Temperature. Range: from 15° C to 30° C. One °C steps.
• Relative humidity. Range: from 5% to 60%. One % steps.
• Long-duration exposure studies.
Subjects are clinically evaluated under the same temperature and relative humidity conditions as the experimental exposure protocol